Don't Panic—Instead, Try These Solutions When You Lock Yourself Out of Your House


Panic is the first feeling that you'll often experience when you get locked out of your house. But, regardless of the reason for the lockout, it's in your best interest to remain calm. If you have your cellphone with you or can easily visit a neighbor's house to use his or her phone, you can call a locksmith who can rescue you shortly. Before you make this call, though, it's a good idea to think about whether there might be a simple solution to your trouble that doesn't require the intervention of a professional. Here are some things to think about before you call for a locksmith.

Presence of a Hidden Key

Have you previously stashed a key somewhere for emergencies like this one? If so, don't be so panicked that you forget about the presence of this key—which is entirely possible if you haven't previously needed it. Think whether you or your spouse has placed a key somewhere outside in the past. It might be hidden inside a fake rock in your front garden, for example. Or, you might have left a spare key with a neighbor because he or she fed your cat while you were away on vacation. If you haven't retrieved this key, pay the neighbor a visit to see whether the key is still there.

Consider an Alternate Point of Entry

Some people get locked out of their front door and panic without stopping to think about whether there's another way to get inside the home. If you think about alternate points of entry, you might have a solution. For example, the garage-door access code will allow you to get inside the garage and then into the house. Or, you might have left the sliding door at the rear of your home open. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're locked out only to realize after the locksmith has arrived that your back door was unlocked the whole time.

Think of Whether There's a Time Crunch

In certain situations, you'll want to call a locksmith to get you inside your home right away. In other situations, you may be content to wait outside for a bit. For example, even if you don't have your cellphone with you, but you know that your spouse will be home from work in an hour, you might as well take a walk around the block or sit on your back patio until this help arrives. Unless there's a time factor that requires you to get into your house right away—for example, the stove is on—you might be comfortable waiting.

Visit sites such as to find a locksmith near you. 


11 November 2016

Keeping Your Business Safe

When you start a business, it's easy to forget about insuring your entire building and all of your inventory. Unfortunately, I made this mistake, and I ended up paying for it dearly when our place was robbed a few months after our store opened. I knew that I had to do something to improve our future security, so I contacted a business that offered locks, keys, and safes. They came out, rekeyed our entire building, replaced our safe with something that was a lot sturdier, and gave us all electronic codes to the keypads that controlled access to the building. Check out this blog to learn more about keeping your business safe.