Two Reasons Why You Should Always Rekey When Buying A New Home


Buying a new house is one of life's great accomplishments.  If you've just signed on the bottom line for a new house, you're likely thinking of all of the ways you can transform the space into the home of your dreams.  However, before you move your belongings in and get settled, you may want to consider having the locks on the house rekeyed.  When you rekey the house, there will be new locks installed and you'll get a fresh set of keys.

26 September 2016

Nine Reasons Why Locksmiths Do Not Use Coat Hangers


It is a moment that is both frustrating and a little unnerving: a driver realizes the keys they need to unlock their car door are safely tucked away—inside their locked car. Being locked out is an experience that nearly every driver will have at some point. Some people are lucky enough to have a spare key with a friend or partner that is only a few minutes away. The rest are left to find another solution.

21 September 2016

Prices Of Lockout Services And How To Get A Locksmith's Services For Free


Whenever you move into a new city, it helps to find out more about the various services you might have a need for in the future. One such service, lockout service, helps you get into your car and home when you accidentally lock yourself out. The prices for this service vary, but you can get them for "free" if you know how. Here is some more information on the general price of locksmith services and how to cover your needs for this service in advance.

13 September 2016

4 Ways To Avoid Being Locked Out Of Your Home


If you have been locked out of your home before, you probably realize how inconvenient it can be, especially if you don't have a spare key. People who are locked out of their residence sometimes try to gain entry through windows or by jimmying their door locks. These methods can result in expensive damages to your home and possible injuries to your body.  Nevertheless, there are ways to avoid being inadvertently locked out of your house.

9 September 2016

Installing A Sliding Glass Door? Follow These Steps For Home Security


If you are installing a glass sliding door in your home, be aware that these can be an easy spot for burglars to enter your home. But with a few added security measures, sliding doors can be much safer. Here are some steps to take when installing a sliding door.  Choose a Strong Glass Before you purchase any doors, be sure that you are choosing a sliding glass door with strong glass that can't easily be shattered by an intruder.

8 September 2016

3 Ways The Weather Affects How You Lock Your Doors


It goes without saying how much commercial business owners rely on locks. Business owners rely on their locks to function properly when they leave and enter the building. It is common to not realize the importance of locks until one malfunctions. Weather changes are one of the things that cause problems for your doors. With the changes in temperature, the function of your locks are compromised in a number of ways.

6 September 2016

Four Ways To Bolster Security In Your Medical Practice


Doctors' offices need security for a range of reasons, including keeping patient files secure and safeguarding medication supplies. If you want to take a few steps to bolster your practice's security, use this guide to find the options that are right for you. With the help of a commercial locksmith, you can increase your office's security and give your patients and staff added peace of mind. Keyless Door Answering  If your office is open late, or if it is located in a potentially dangerous neighborhood, a keyless door answering system may be right for you.

1 September 2016